Topic: Gallery News


Who's Who in Visual Art
“Who is Who in Visual Art is aimed at the collector of contemporary fine art. 75 Fine Art Photographers: a selection designed as recommendation, source and challenge for the enthusiastic art buyer.”

Ulrich Goette Himmelblau, Publisher

I am thrilled and honoured to have been invited to be one of the 75 international fine art photographers featured in this beautiful book. Publication Spring 2013.

Goddess: The Art of She Within We

In April, 2011, Gallery 96 with Factory 163 presented this vibrant visual art show that featured the art of 47 artists at Factory 163 in Stratford. A video tape of the show will be available soon.

ALGONQUIN ART 2011 ‘Being Water’


‘Being Water’ is  based on a photograph I took on Rock Lake in Algonquin and illustrates my theme and belief that Nature is aware and conscious. ‘BeingWater’ is whimsical and  fantasy oriented. How many faces of water can you see? I count more than 9 faces but then water is multi-faceted, multi-talented and very changeable. Our bodies are over two thirds water. No wonder we need to move and dance with this magical element.

ALGONQUIN ART 2011 ‘Being Sky’

‘Being Sky’ is also a visual representation of my belief that Nature is aware and truly a living force.

The conscious cloud is powerful and will eventually fall to earth in the life-giving water cycle.


Gallery 96′s next show is on the subject of ‘Collections’ and is opening on May 8, 2010 at Factory 163. My mixed media installation piece for the show is called ‘Ident-tees’ and examines the presence and meaning of t-shirts in our society.

LOOKIN’ BACK Rural Roots

‘lookin’ back 1′

Photo Collage in the Gallery 96 show Rural Roots.  The human version.

‘lookin’ back 2′

Photographing in the country last spring, this cow came running towards me across the new corn field and stood staring at me. There was a sense of longing and poignancy from her. I hated to get in the car and drive away from her. Fits into my theme of Nature is always looking back at us. The cow version.

RURAL ROOTS Gallery 96 BLYTH THEATRE Bainton Gallery


Created for the Gallery 96 Rural Roots show on display at the Bainton Gallery of The Blyth Theatre. Photographs printed on canvas, stitched onto canvas to create an ‘art quilt’. Based on the four elements. Catch the show in Blyth till mid- September then in Stratford Sat. Sept. 26 to Oct. 11 at O’Brien Farm #4264, Line 36.

fire, water, earth, air


This is Alex’s sculpture chosen as part of the Lawson Killer Juried Exhibit at Gallery Stratford.

The full length photo was taken when it was part of an art show in the Great Hall at OCAD (Ontario College of Art and Design) in Toronto Spring 2009.

The mask can be taken off the frame and worn. The ‘body’ is made from band saw blades.

‘Mask’ close-up


From my ELEMENTAL SERIES ‘Clear Wing’ was chosen for the annual Lawson Killer Juried Exhibit at Gallery Stratford. It is 24″ x 36″ and printed on canvas. It is a very soothing and peaceful photo. I spent a long time with the winged one as it emerged from it’s chrysalis last summer. Magical nature.

Mother and son both have work in this exhibit. See next blog for Alex’s sculpture.

‘NIGHT CART’ Gallery 96 Industrial Strength Show

‘Night Cart’ is a creative response to ‘Morning Cart’ a painting by Loren MacIvor (1909-1998). We are now “further down the dirty industrial road”.

‘Night Cart’ is 24″ x 32″ and printed on canvas. The photograph was taken at Factory 163 for the upcoming Gallery 96 show Industrial Strength opening Saturday, March 21, 2009 at 7p.m. and running till April 5th daily noon to 5p.m. at Factory 163; 163 King St., Stratford.