Visual Art
Point of View.
In the act of seeing is the power of witnessing. What do we perceive through eyesight, heart sight, mindsight?
I began my work as a visual artist by photographing my physically disabled brother when he was a young child. I used my camera to show the world his spirit and his humanity when most saw only disability.
It is a constant quest for me to find and nurture beauty. From a landscape of cars, roads, walled developments, malls, big box stores, parking lots that hurt my eyes I seek the truth of beauty. I attempt to see and photograph the inner spirit of subjects. I strive to show how wrong is violent conflict.
I have worked on both sides of the camera lens. I sharpened my vision with a number of artists including William Giles, Edmund Soame, Richard Stodart, Heather Grindley, Pat LaCroix, George Pastic, Doug Workman and my friend, inspiration and mentor, Dave Heath.
Drawings and Paintings
My line drawings and paintings provide an outlet for frustration and emotional experiences. The drawings are light-hearted whimsical self-examinations. They have a magical quality in that they surface with very little conscious thought or planning. The paintings represent my early explorations with paint.
I have been exploring installation art using photos, images, words, wood, wire, objects, paint and concept.
In 2008, to mark the 90th anniversary of the end of The First World War I developed
‘Catch The Torch’ a visual, installation and performance art project that connects this violent conflict from the past (and the suffering of the soldiers who fought “the war to end all war”) with current environmental decline.
A clip from “The Fight Master: A Documentary About Paddy Crean” is available to view.
‘Have We Forgotten? The Hope Project’ is a successful arts exploration project funded by the Canadian Council For The Arts.
Maya Fair supports Creative Commons. Some rights are reserved including all commercial rights. Non-derivative and give credit, please.