Mother Earth Speaks@balancekeepers Facebook
I, Mother Earth,
a sky dancer
with contagious cruelty.
I, Mother Earth,
a sky dancer
with contagious cruelty.
Mother Earth Speaks is an artistic collaboration that seeks to imagine our planet’s voice and perspective through poetry, writing, photography and multimedia videos with the purpose of promoting sensitivity, awareness, compassion and positive change.
‘The Marvel of His Days’ is a play in development about poet John C. Walker who was mute and quadriplegic but was able to invent a unique method of communication. A sister’s deep relationship, respect and celebration.
Chapter One: During Culture Days 2011, the first beginning explorations of ‘The Marvel of His Days’ were explored and a 10 minute physical piece presented with Peggy Coffey directing, guiding and inspiring.
Chapter Two: during SpringWorks 2012 a 55 minute staged reading was performed at Factory163 to an enthusiastic audience. Peggy Coffey director extraordinaire.
Chapter Three: For Culture Days 2012, I gave a selected reading of some of John’s adult poetry which followed an emotional and creative journey in John’s words and thoughts.
Chapter Four: A possible collaboration with a Toronto theatre – stay tuned.
Click to see SpringWorks promotional card. Also see ‘Disarming Disability’ under Workshops on this website with video clip and link to a few of John’s poems.
I think the magic world has found me again….
with artist Lesley Walker Fitzpatrick
“My class was extremely fortunate to
participate in the grade 5 dance workshop
with Lesley Walker Fitzpatrick just last week.
They had a fantastic day. They benefitted
tremendously … Lesley taught them with
gentle love and understanding, and infinite
patience. I was amazed by how well they
did. Students that are usually reticent and
reserved blossomed and took leadership
roles, some for probably the first time all
year. I held my breath when we got to the
improvisational part of Lesley’s program, but
it was fantastic to see how safe and comfort-
able my students felt, and how willing they
were to take risks in front of their peers. It
was truly a wonder. Every student bloomed
and grew, not just the students who take
dance classes outside of school, or the more
outgoing and confident students – literally
every student enjoyed the day, thought it
was awesome and made progress. It was a
wonderful day. I would like to thank Lesley,
and the Foundation, for giving us such a
great opportunity!”
Daphne Livingston, Central Perth School
I am a candidate for city council in Stratford. As our new Governor General, David Johston, advises I want to serve my community and contribute to creating an innovative, inspiring , caring, vibrant and creative city.
Election Day is Oct. 25th with early voting starting Oct. 18th. Electronic voting for the first time.
MayaFair is almost completed to the first level. MayaFair will continue to grow and develop as art and projects continue to be created. Please visit this website often.
Many thanks to Tanya Gough for her skill, wisdom, artistry, guidance and patience. It has been a pleasure and an honor to work with ‘Falstaff Follies’.
If you find any errors or omissions, dear visitors, please let us know.
Welcome to Maya Fair, the future home of the collected works and wanderings of Lesley Fitzpatrick. This site is currently under construction, but please do check back and watch as we populate these pages with information about Lesley’s poetry, photography and theatrical workshops.